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Spotlight: John Dahlman


Superintendent John Dahlman has been in the industry for over 30 years. He began his career as a residential construction carpentry apprentice in 1978, doing rough and finish carpentry. He also spent time managing a restaurant in Mukilteo before his time in the construction field. So why construction all these years? “I’d rather build them, than work in them – and there is no ‘typical day’!” Here at Sierra, John’s portfolio is filled with office, public works, retail, mixed use and the occasional industrial project. Most recently, his projects included Blue Origin, Carmax Lynnwood, and Sierra’s own new headquarters.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? Race car driver!

If you could only drink one beer or wine for the rest of your life, what would it be? Corona, no fruit! But, bourbon please!

What is your ideal vacation? Bungalow in Tahiti

Favorite type of food? CHINESE!!!!

Tell us something that might surprise us about you. I like driving anywhere in the world left hand side. If I do that here I get in trouble.

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