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Portland's 20th Anniversary


Thank you to everyone that made it out! Huge turnout and a good day in the great outdoors, playing golf and games, in good company... oh and beer!

Also be sure to thank our Subs that sponsored the Raffle/Door Prizes:

AFP:  OSU themed golf bag, UO themed golf bag

Atlas Construction: $100 GC, Pocket Knife/Headlamp

Brundage Bone: $100 Gift Cards to Fishermans, Monster Blutooth Speaker, Dewalt Drill Set, 43" LCD Smart

Budget Door: Overhead Door Opener

Cal-Portland:$50 Lowes, $100 Lowes, $100 Home Depot, $50 Home Depot

Ness Cambell Crane: Gas BBQ

Madden Fabrication, Oct 26th Blazer Tickets

Olsen Electric: 24v Dewalt Drill, Dewalt Radio

Panelized Structures, Drink Cart Sponsor

Patriot Fire: $75 Restaurant Gift Cards

Ralphs Concrete: Taylormade M2 -Regular Flex- Driver

State Mechanical: Milwauke Heated Camo Jackets, Milwauke Heated Vest

Weatherguard: Traeger

Thanks Matt Todd for the photos and video!

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Amazon to hire at least 1,000 at new Troutdale facility

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