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2015 Argosy Cruise/Winterfest

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If you were able to make it to this years after Christmas company event - which we like to call - WINTERFEST 2015 - it was a great time. Thanks for coming. If you missed it, well.... you missed the event of the season. Everyone had a great time.

Thank you to Heather Muzzy, the only one so far with proof that people had fun. She submitted these pics, if you have any to share, send them my way.

A SUPER BIG thank you to Tony Oberio, who spent the whole night amazing us with his magic tricks. He is completely awesome, if you see him at any of your jobsites, be sure to ask him to do some tricks. I think we'll have to make him an honorary Sierran, and invite him to everything from now on.

Again, thanks for coming - the party was great. See you next year.

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