In honor of Veterans Day this year, we are featuring two of our Sierra Employees.
First off, meet Sierra carpenter Holt Cameron; or more commonly known in the field as ‘Doc.’
Doc spent 7 years in the 2nd 142nd Field Artillery Unit in Arkansas as a Combat Medic. Although he never saw combat, Doc’s National Guard unit was activated to respond when an F5 tornado destroyed their base town. “The thing about the National Guard, not only can the President activate you, but so can your state Governor.” They spent a month working as security for civilians and assisting civilian paramedics. Doc’s Unit also spent time in the Mojave Desert as the medical support team for training the 155 out of California. “They didn’t have enough staff to satisfy medical training needs, so we were brought in. I enjoyed my time there as I got to experience more of what we would actually do in the field in harsh conditions.” As a Special Duty Assignment, Doc also spent two months working on the Washington-Canadian border, inspecting vehicles at border-crossings.
For our second feature in honor of Veterans Day, we get to know Sierra’s Accounting Manager, Aaron Brown.
Aaron was in the Army between 1992 – 1995 and served as an infantryman in Delta Company 3rd Battalion 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment 82nd Airborne Division stationed at Ft. Bragg North Carolina. While he attended Airborne School and Ranger School, he received his Expert Infantry Badge. Aaron participated in Operation Uphold Democracy, and was given the opportunity to jump out of a C47, which is the same plane they used during WWII, for the 50th anniversary of D-Day. Aaron spent some time at the Panamanian jungle training center but was never deployed in actual combat.
We thank you for your service Doc and Aaron, and all of our Veterans!