Tis the season for holiday shenanigans. We kick off with those getting into the spirit of things at the jobsites.
The Watershed project in Renton, WA held their own Chili Cook Off against some of the McKee team. Taylor took the winning title here!
Our annual (well, first annual back since 2019!) Chili Cook-Off and Ugly Sweater contest at the Woodinville office, lined up perfectly with the mid morning snowstorm. It made for a first ever, *snowy* Ugly Sweater group photo.
Congratulations to the Ugly Sweater winners!
1st: Alex Stephens, in 'Im Frozen'
2nd: Katelyn McNeely, in 'Bow Explosion'
3rd: Briana Da Silva, in 'Snowglobe'
Congratulations to the Chili Cook Off winners - we had a total of seven participants!
1st: Chris Fusetti
2nd: Bryan Ploetz
3rd: Louis Paul