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#peopleofsierra - November & December 2023

jan24 peopleofsierra

Below are employee submitted photos from the months of November and December 2023.

Jakob Bolin (Submitted by Manda Catterlin)

(Submitted by Gary Griffin)

(Submitted by Mike Cunnington)

Adam Hinthorn (Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)

Jake Durden (Submitted by Chris Kevil)

(Submitted by Mack White)

(Submitted by Denise Galano)

(Submited by Danyelle Krebs)

(Submitted by Jordan Carey)

(Submitted by Doc Cameron)

(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)
Wayde Turner (Submitted by Chris Kevil)

(Submitted by Harrison Wiese)

(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)

Jorge Martinez (Submitted by Chris Kevil)

(Submitted by Kory Knudson)

(Submitted by Kory Knudson)

Lisa Diebler, Ashley Spear, Jessica Dowrey, Josh McNeely, Dan Searles, Danyelle Krebs, Carrie Bodnar, Matt Frause, Nancy Adler, Bri Da Silva, Ryan Morgan, May Jensen, Katelyn McNeely & Ashley Metcalfe (submitted by Danyelle Krebs)

(Submitted by Harrison Wiese)

Domingo Gonzalez & Mitch Kranson (Submitted by Chris Kevil)

Junior Lowe (Submitted by Chris Kevil)

John Dahlman & Roger Collins (Submitted by Bryan Ploetz)

Ron St Jean (Submitted by Louis Paul)

(Submitted by Danyelle Krebs)

Carrie Bodnar, Danyelle Krebs, Andy Bley, Ryan Hogan & Chris Fusetti (Submitted by Jessica Dowrey)

Mike Stout, Ryan Morgan & Conor Cahill (Submitted by Mike Stout)

(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)

Bryan Ploetz, Jessica Dowrey, Danyelle Krebs, Lisa Diebler & Andy Bley (Submitted by Jessica Dowrey)

(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)

Want to see yours included next month?

You can email them to me, or post them to social media with the #peopleofsierra tag!

You can submit any photos you would like to share:

- With coworkers (during or after hours)

- Around the jobsite (can have people or not!)

- You or family wearing Sierra gear

- Sierra gear around the world (be sure to let us know where!)

On the Subject

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