This month we had a ton of contributions because people sent in photos from throughout the year to be included in the calendar. Apologies if it is slow to load!
Hans Howard & Lance Scacco (submitted by John Barnes)Luis Alvarenga (Submitted by Luis Alvarenga)(Submitted by Luis Alvarenga)Ricardo Gutierrez, Luis Jiminez & Rob Overton (Submitted by Luis Alvarenga)Bob Carrasco (Submitted by Luis Alvarenga)Bob Carrasco (submitted by Luis Alvarenga)(Submitted by Luis Alvarenga)(Bob Carrasco (Submitted by Luis Alvarenga)Concrete work at BTC Grahams Ferry (Submitted by John Barnes)Kyle Draszt (Submitted by Jordan Carey)Justin Fay French, Chris Hubbard, Harrison Wiese, Farrar Parnell & Tim Clark (Submitted by Tim Clark)Kristine Walz & Tim Clark (Submitted by Tim Clark)(Submitted by Tim Clark)Tim Clark (Submitted by Tim Clark)(Submitted by Tim Clark)Justin Fay French (Submitted by Tim Clark)Katelyn McNeely, Diane Yoo & Kirk MacGowan (Submitted by Lisa Diebler)Bryan Ploetz (Submitted by Lisa Diebler)Rick Basnaw, Danyelle Krebs & Bri Da Silva (Submitted by Jessica Dowrey)Scott Burns (Submitted by Sara Etheredge)(Submitted by Gary Griffin)(Submitted by Gary Griffin)(Submitted by Gary Griffin)(Submitted by Gary Griffin)(Submitted by Gary Griffin)(Submitted by Gary Griffin)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)(Submitted by Adam Hinthorn)Ryan Hogan (Submitted by Ryan Hogan)Dan Rind & Jarrod Cooper (Submitted by Jarrod Cooper)Bryan Ploetz, Jesus Mendoza, Katelyn McNeely, Kirk MacGowan, Lisa Diebler, Justin Standfill, Jessica Dowrey, Diane Yoo, Taylor Galbraith & Stephen Carey (Submitted by Jessica Dowrey)Alex Higdon (Submitted by Chris Kevil)Keith Liebhauser (Submitted by Chris Kevil)Ron St Jean (Submitted by Chris Kevil)Jordan Carey (Submitted by Chris Kevil)Mitch Kranson (Submitted by Chris Kevil)Kenn Green (Submitted by Chris Kevil)Diane Yoo (Submitted by Chris Kevil)Danyelle Krebs (Submitted by Danyelle Krebs)(Submitted by Patrick Lovell)(Submitted by Patrick Lovell)Cody Love & Patrick Lovell (Submitted by Patrick Lovell)Cody Love & Patrick Lovell (Submitted by Patrick Lovell)Jesus Mendoza & Diane Yoo (Submitted by Katelyn McNeely)Taylor Galbraith & Justin Standfill (SUbmitted by Katelyn McNeely)Bryan Ploetz (Submitted by Katelyn McNeely)Kirk MacGowan, Stephen Carey & Taylor Galbraith (Submitted by Katelyn McNeely)Andy Bley & Andrew Repass (Submitted by Andrew Repass)(Submitted by Andrew Repass)(Submitted by Dan Rind)Miguel Rodriguez (Submitted by Miguel Rodriguez)Jason Smith (Submitted by Jason Smith)Justin Standfill, Lisa Diebler & Jessica Dowrey (Submitted by Justin Standfill)Kevan Muzzy (Submitted by Jason Standfill)
Want to see yours included next month?
You can email them to me, or post them to social media with the #peopleofsierra tag!
You can submit any photos you would like to share:
- With coworkers (during or after hours)
- Around the jobsite (can have people or not!)
- You or family wearing Sierra gear
- Sierra gear around the world (be sure to let us know where!)
Over the next week at Interbay Self Storage in North Seattle, the project team will be completing the structural steel and decking, with deck pours on the remai...