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Katelyn + Christopher McNeely


Congratulations Project Administrator Katelyn Fitzgerald on getting married - just before lockdown! Here is their story:

"Our story it pretty crazy! The fast version...COVID-19...

The long version, our wedding was planned for 3/28 in Bellingham with about 50 people - which was ok because orders were that 50 or less could still gather - we kept moving forward as planned. Next, the venue cancelled because group gatherings were recommended to drop to much smaller numbers. To try to keep the wedding going we changed the plan to getting married at my Grammy's house with 25 or so people, but decided to cancel that since she is older and we didn’t want to put so many people at risk in such a small space.

Finally, we decided we would get married in a park and changed the date to the 22nd for better weather! Thank goodness we did because the next day the new orders called off all weddings moving forward!

The day ended up being pretty much as perfect as could be! We got married at St. Edwards park in "The Grotto" an old garden with a rock structure in the middle - look it up! It was so beautiful! We had a little group for the ceremony, a champagne toast and cake!

We are so happy the most important people in our lives were able to be there and that the wedding happened at all during this hard time! Also, we were able to reschedule the big group for a reception later this year with all the original attire, venue, etc too!"

- Katelyn


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