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Cooper in Nuevo Leon


Last week our very own Jarrod Cooper traveled to the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico with 23 other adults and youth from his church. "We teamed up with a Pastor from the town of Hualahuises to complete 5 building projects as well as a widows banquet, distributed food to the poor and hosted a 1 day kids camp for about 80 local kids. Sierra donated several shirts that we used as prizes for the kids camp. We also assist a dentist from Vancouver, WA that travels with us and opens a free clinic for the week."

On the Subject

Employee Spotlight: Ulises Gonzalez
Employee Spotlight
Employee Spotlight: Ulises Gonzalez

Ulises has been with Sierra since 2012, beginning as a carpenter. “My favorite project type has to be industrial.” Specifically, Project Wulf, also now known as...

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